Local Influencers for Local Businesses


In recent years, social media influencers have become a powerful force in the world of marketing. Companies are willing to pay top dollar to collaborate with popular influencers in order to promote their products and services to their followers. However, as the influencer industry has grown, so too has the importance of authenticity in influencer marketing. In this article, we will explore what influencer authenticity is, why it matters, and how influencers can maintain their authenticity in a world that often values image over substance.

What is influencer authenticity?

Influencer authenticity refers to the degree to which an influencer’s content, values, and personality are perceived as genuine and honest by their followers. Authentic influencers are seen as trustworthy and relatable, and their followers feel a connection with them that goes beyond surface-level aesthetics or sponsorships.

Why does influencer authenticity matter?

In a world where social media can often feel superficial and curated, authenticity is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity. People are craving realness and transparency from the influencers they follow, and are more likely to engage with content that they perceive as genuine. Authenticity also builds trust, and trust is crucial for influencers who rely on their audience’s support to maintain their careers.


In addition, there is a growing awareness of the potential negative impact that inauthentic influencers can have on their followers. From promoting products that they don’t actually use or believe in to creating unrealistic standards of beauty or lifestyle, influencers who lack authenticity can contribute to a culture of fakeness and disconnection.

How can influencers maintain authenticity?

Maintaining authenticity as an influencer is not always easy, especially when there are so many pressures to maintain a certain image or aesthetic. However, there are several strategies that influencers can use to stay true to themselves and their followers.


  1. Be selective about partnerships. Influencers should only collaborate with brands or products that they genuinely believe in and use themselves. This can help to maintain their credibility and prevent their content from feeling overly commercial.
  2. Share your story. Authentic influencers often share personal stories or struggles with their followers, which can help to build a deeper connection and show that they are more than just a product promoter.
  3. Be honest about sponsored content. Influencers who are transparent about when they are being paid to promote a product are seen as more trustworthy and honest by their followers. This can also help to prevent any potential backlash from followers who feel like they have been deceived.
  4. Engage with your audience. Responding to comments, DMs, and other forms of engagement can help to show that an influencer is invested in their audience and values their opinions and feedback.
  5. Stay true to your values. Influencers who have a clear set of values and beliefs that they consistently communicate through their content are seen as more authentic and genuine.