Local Influencers for Local Businesses


In the world of influencer marketing, it’s common for brands to focus on partnering with influencers who have a large following or “reach.” However, while reach is important, engagement is even more critical for a successful influencer campaign. In this article, we’ll explore why engagement is more important than reach and how it can benefit your brand.

What is Reach and Engagement?

Reach refers to the number of people who see an influencer’s post, while engagement measures the level of interaction that post receives. Engagement includes likes, comments, shares, and saves on social media platforms. It’s a measure of how interested and invested an audience is in an influencer’s content.

Why Engagement Matters More Than Reach?

While reach is essential to getting your brand in front of a broad audience, it’s not the most important factor for a successful influencer campaign. Here are some reasons why engagement matters more than reach:


  1. More Authenticity: High engagement means the influencer’s followers are actively engaging with their content, indicating a more loyal and engaged audience. This is especially true for micro-influencers, who often have a smaller following but a more dedicated and niche audience.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: Engaged followers are more likely to trust an influencer’s recommendations, leading to higher conversion rates. If an influencer’s followers are actively engaging with their content, they’re more likely to take action on their recommendations and purchase the promoted product or service.
  3. Better ROI: When you partner with an influencer who has high engagement, you can expect to see a better return on investment (ROI). Because engaged followers are more likely to trust and act on an influencer’s recommendations, you can expect to see a higher ROI from your campaign.
  4. Cost-Effective: In many cases, working with an influencer with high engagement can be more cost-effective than working with an influencer with a larger following but lower engagement. Because micro-influencers often have higher engagement rates, they can be a more cost-effective option for brands.

How to Measure Engagement?

Measuring engagement is crucial for determining the success of your influencer campaign. Some metrics to consider when measuring engagement include:

  • Likes, comments, shares, and saves on social media platforms
  • Click-through rates on the influencer’s unique tracking link
  • Conversion rates on your website or landing page


In conclusion, while reach is essential for getting your brand in front of a broad audience, engagement is even more critical for a successful influencer campaign. Engaged followers are more authentic, more likely to convert, and more cost-effective than those with a high reach but low engagement. By partnering with influencers who have high engagement rates, you can expect to see better ROI and more successful campaigns overall.